Friday, October 9, 2009

washers and dryers and fridges oh my

Over the past two evenings we solved our washers and dryers sourcing problem. We found a stackable, gas combo for the front unit and a regular pair for the back unit, all from the same guys. These guys run an appliance business on craigslist where they repair old appliances, deliver and install them, and offer a 30 day warranty, all for 40-60% of retail. Apparently business is going pretty well for them these days, since nobody's buying new appliances.

On Wednesday they installed the back units, and the washer started leaking when they were testing it. So on Thursday they brought another washer to replace it with, along with the stacker for the front unit. Everything is installed, tested, working, for $900. They also dragged off our old junky washer for us. All in all we are really happy about it.

On the refrigerator front, we have one for the back unit, but for the front unit we have a conundrum - we could take my parents' old fridge, but getting it here may not be worth it. They live about 50 miles away, and we'd have to rent a truck. So we're weighing whether to just go back to our new appliance-installing friends instead.

I guess we'll have to figure that out pretty soon here, ideally we'll start advertising the place around the 20th or so, and we'd like to have everything in place by that time.

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