Saturday, June 26, 2010

the back yard

We got a new fence in the backyard!

If you remember that old collection of wires that used to separate our yard from the neighbors, then take a look at this.

There's no question about it, that is a fence.

action shot...

Strawberries on the shelves <3

This grape vine is doing really well, climbing right up the trellis all on its own.

And of course our tomato harvest.

Check out the overexcited fellow back there in the corner. That is a plant with ambition.

And also in unrelated news I installed a light in the garage.

Which let me tell you, makes a huge difference in terms of usability. It almost seems like a place I might do stuff, now.


  1. I am jealous at how much progress you are making on your house. It is going from good to awesome!

  2. Annie's Note: Please ignore the possible-verticillium-wilt-and/or-blight on rest of the tomato plants... <.<

    It makes us sad too.

    The tomatoes are still good though!
